
UAE launches NextGenFDI to attract world’s top digital companies

The UAE has launched NextGenFDI, which aims to target 300 digitally-enabled companies and aims to attract skilled programmers, data scientists and tech engineers within the next three years. The UAE has launched a...

Research finds SMEs overwhelmed by social media and communication technology

New research has revealed that SMEs are becoming overwhelmed by the noise and distraction of social media channels, communication technology and networking platforms, which are failing to help businesses collaborate...

Fostering development for SMEs 

Aliaksandr Kuushynau, Head of Wialon, Gurtam, speaks to Intelligent about Gurtam, some of the key challenges SMEs are facing and a recent implementation with RBR Betón, a fleet management company based in ...

Real-time rails can unlock new value creation opportunities for UAE financial...

With new digital payment trends on the rise, a new set of impactful use cases are now possible. Craig Ramsey, Global Head of Real-time Payments, ACI Worldwide, talks about this and how real-time rails can create new...

Tight hiring market sees start-ups channel investment funding toward tech...

More than half (54%) of start-up businesses who have secured PE or VC funding in the past 12 months invested capital in recruitment – up from 37%of those who received their latest funding round between three and five years a...

Optimus Cards uses Temenos to scale business 

Optimus Cards is an Electronic Money Institution, based in the UK. The company chose Temenos’ open platform for composable banking and to grow its banking portfolio. Lindsay Robertson, CEO, Optimus Cards, tells us more a...

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