Social Platforms

Organisations can reduce emissions with innovative solutions

EarlyBirds, a company that operates a business to business (B2B) open ecosystem that provides a way for innovators (start-ups, scale-ups and mature), early adopters and subject matter experts (SMEs) to come...

CampfireSocial launches to engage trade verticals in a new way

CampfireSocial, a social network and e-commerce SaaS software designed to provide an organisation with a diversified revenue stream, increased year-round membership engagement and a new digital marketing vehicle for...

Watford to become the UK’s first WhatsApp High Street

WhatsApp and Watford Borough Council have announced their partnership initiative in support of the small business community: the UK’s first WhatsApp High Street. The initiative will help small businesses in Watford to pr...

Facebook launches campaign to support SMBs in MENA region

Facebook has announced the launch of #LoveLocal – a new initiative to support local small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the Middle East and North Africa region which have been among the hardest hit during the C...

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