Workforce Management

Employees who argued with IT department about updates were allowed to use...

Twenty-one percent of local employees have previously had a dispute with IT staff about the importance or frequency of updating their work devices. Surprisingly, IT teams tend to agree with such demands and let 47% of...

How to embrace the evolving role of the HR department as remote work becomes...

Automation and technology are changing the way we all work, especially in light of the restrictions placed upon many of us, due to the pandemic. The HR department is not immune to these changes, many of which are here...

Ensuring remote working policies are up-to-date

The pandemic forced companies of all sizes to adopt a remote working policy. Thanks to technology and Digital Transformation, SMEs did not need to be left behind and were able to ensure their employees could work from...

Editor’s Question: How will HR roles be impacted by automation and...

Automation in HR will remove repetitive and mundane tasks, giving HR professionals more time to focus on tasks which need a human touch and creativity. But as Christine Park, Chief People Officer at Sitecore, pointed out...

UAE businesses under increasing pressure to reinvent employee experiences for...

Bayzat, a UAE leading employee benefits platform that helps companies automate their insurance, payroll and HR administration, has revealed that it is now more important than ever for the nation’s enterprises to r...

New report shows what good looks like for craft brewers

Manufacturing performance software company, OFS, has announced findings from its Craft Brewers Benchmark Report, with first of its kind insights into how data can be used to improve packaging line efficiency in the...

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