Workforce Management

Almost half of office workers willing to resign from their jobs  

According to a new study commissioned by UiPath – a leading enterprise automation software company – the majority of office workers are feeling increased pressure at work due to colleagues resigning in the past year. As a result,...

Why should SMEs consider office sharing in the new business world 

For many SMEs who lease an office, being tied into a contract may seem costly, but one solution could be the rise in shared office space. Karl Breeze, CEO at Matrix Booking, outlines the benefits of shared offices and...

Experts discuss the risks of remote working  

Over the last two years, SMEs have seen a significant shift as many moved to remote working. However, with that comes increased cyber-risks. We spoke to three experts about how remote working has impacted SMEs and how...

Cost of living crisis and employee burnout causes worker flight risk for...

Employment Hero has found that British small businesses are facing a rocky road ahead as only 40% of employees feel fairly paid for their work and over half of the workforce have a work-life balance that is average or poo...

American office workers are demanding more flexible working conditions 

New research has revealed that almost half (49%) of American office workers aged between 25-34 – commonly referred to as Generation Y – are ready to walk away from their job and look for new opportunities if fle...

Tackling the skill shortage 

The ‘Great Resignation’ is a global problem and companies are struggling to retain employees. Intelligent CXO spoke to three experts about how enterprises can survive the staff and skill shortages through upskilling tal...

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