Workforce Management

For the sake of the next generation, let’s get back to the office 

There’s a lot to be learned from working in the office, says Quentin Bosman, a Customer Success Lead for workplace platform, Envoy. Some companies have told employers to return to the office following the COVID-19 p...

Average pay gap between men and women in the UK increases

The average pay disparity between male and female UK full time workers has stretched to 8.3% according to The Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS revealed that this is up from 7.7% in April 2021, although it...

How does global infrastructure take SMEs across borders? 

Pranav Sood, Interim Global Head of Marketing at Workiva, talks to us about the role that global infrastructure plays in international expansion plans and enabling SMEs to take advantage of global business o...

Experts discuss how employers can help young people start their careers

Nearly three-quarters of young people – aged between 15 and 24 in 92 countries – are off-track to acquire the skills needed for employment, according to a new report published today by the Education Commission and UNI...

Experts discuss the four-day workweek

Workers are calling for more from their employers to help them shift from surviving to thriving, prioritising flexibility along with factors such as trust, purpose and well-being, according to new research from  M...

Tight hiring market sees start-ups channel investment funding toward tech...

More than half (54%) of start-up businesses who have secured PE or VC funding in the past 12 months invested capital in recruitment – up from 37%of those who received their latest funding round between three and five years a...

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