Employee Engagement

A guide for small business owners hiring staff 

A recent survey has revealed that recruitment is the most unexpected challenge for small business owners. To support SMEs looking to recruit, small business accounting firm, The Accountancy Partnership, has compiled a 10-...

The IT talent gap is fuelling tech investment decisions

New data from Salesforce’s MuleSoft reveals that all IT leaders in Australia say the ‘Great Resignation has created skills gaps in their department. IT talent acquisition challenges are now heavily influencing technology inv...

Is your employee communication strategy keeping up with global trends? 

Effective communication drives a productive and loyal workforce and lies at the heart of any business; creating trust amongst employees. Caroline van der Merwe, COO of SmartWage – an innovative HR and communications t...

Experts discuss the four-day workweek

Workers are calling for more from their employers to help them shift from surviving to thriving, prioritising flexibility along with factors such as trust, purpose and well-being, according to new research from  M...

Bad employee cybersecurity habits are leaving businesses at risk 

Superscript has found that complacent attitudes among employees towards cybersecurity is putting UK businesses more at risk. In a survey of 1,500 UK employees, 40% feel that upholding cybersecurity best practice is n...

Experts discuss the risks of remote working  

Over the last two years, SMEs have seen a significant shift as many moved to remote working. However, with that comes increased cyber-risks. We spoke to three experts about how remote working has impacted SMEs and how...

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