Embracing technology for superior customer service

Embracing technology for superior customer service

Newydd Housing Association offers a variety of housing options, from affordable rental units to homes for sale in mid and south Wales in the UK. It decided to employ Totalmobile’s Connect, a cloud-based SaaS solution, into its existing operations. Connect provides all the advantages of the cloud, such as minimal maintenance, regular updates and a contemporary, frictionless user experience to Newydd.

At the heart of Newydd Group lies a shared vision to empower communities by providing affordable housing that is within reach of those most in need. As a critical player in the housing sector in mid and south Wales, Newydd Housing Association prides itself on being more than just a housing provider. As a registered charity, it is driven by a purpose beyond profit: to create sustainable communities and make a significant social impact.

With a portfolio of 3,000 homes for rent and sale, Newydd Housing Association, which has 159 employees, is committed to delivering secure, quality housing where the need is most pressing. It excels in offering a variety of housing options, from affordable rental units to homes for sale, addressing the varied needs of the communities it serves. Its integrated approach aims to make a genuine difference, fostering a sense of community and offering its residents more than just a place to live.

Complementing Newydd Housing Association’s operations are Newydd Maintenance and Living Quarters (Lettings & Sales) Wales. These two pivotal group members deliver leading maintenance and lettings/sales services, enabling Newydd Housing Association to keep its properties in excellent condition and ensure smooth transitions for its residents.

Embracing technology for superior customer service

Newydd Group is dedicated to fostering sustainable, safe community growth. Forging ahead, Newydd Group is steered by a carefully devised corporate plan. This strategic roadmap underscores the organisation’s commitment to partner collaboration in addressing the needs of tenants and the broader community while aligning with the policy objectives of its partners.

An unfolding housing crisis

The Welsh Government has pledged to build 20,000 new low-carbon homes by the close of the current political term. Newydd Group is embracing this strategic vision, planning to deliver 600 eco-friendly homes within the duration of this corporate plan across its core local authority areas.

Innovation in practice

Rising to the challenge of delivering a sustainable solution, Newydd Group has adopted Totalmobile’s Connect solution as its primary job management system. As a fully integrated cloud-based solution, Connect offers organisations amplified control and insight over every facet of job management, embodying the group’s mission to harness technology for superior service provision.

About Connect

Connect from Totalmobile is a cloud-based work order management solution that provides a comprehensive range of capabilities via a fully integrated solution.

This empowers organisations with enhanced levels of control and visibility surrounding all aspects of job management.

A fully integrated solution

One of Newydd Group’s key decision factors to employ Totalmobile’s Connect was the smooth integration of the cloud-based SaaS solution into its existing operations. Connect, benefitting operatives and service users, provides all the advantages of the cloud, such as minimal maintenance, regular updates and a contemporary, frictionless user experience to Newydd.

Its seamless integration complements current working practices and delivers instant value, while the scalability and flexibility of Connect allow quick adjustments to any shifts in working practices or legislations.

Why the decision was made to deliver repairs and maintenance services in-house

Newydd Housing Association employed a small DLO to deliver some repairs, gas servicing and cleaning. After witnessing the success of a small Direct Labour Organisation (DLO), Newydd Housing Association developed a business case for the DLO’s expansion into a full subsidiary company, established in 2018. This expansion required speedy recruitment and training of staff at various levels, procurement of a vehicle fleet, sourcing supply chain partners and implementing a mobile working solution.

Totalmobile helped Newydd complete this transition. Critical drivers for bringing the service in-house included a desire to heighten tenant satisfaction by employing a consistent workforce and achieving better value for money through in-house maintenance and direct supply procurement.

Key challenges

Newydd faced several challenges while delivering maintenance and other services, including:

Issues with staff recruitment and retention
Managing different employee cultures from various methods of employment
Transitioning to mobile work and managing that change
Arranging van stock deliveries and zoning areas
Ensuring right-first-time repairs

To address these challenges, Newydd hired experienced managers from the housing and private sectors and equipped them with Totalmobile’s solution for work visibility and access to all necessary job information. Newydd operations actively harnessed the power of Connect to schedule and deliver repairs, extending its use across various business areas.

It implemented SMS and email communication for tenant appointments and feedback and introduced an improved system for replenishing van stock.

Key outcomes and results

Deploying Totalmobile’s solution led to numerous positive outcomes for Newydd Housing Association. Notably, multiple workstreams previously subcontracted were brought in-house.
Employee retention improved, with voluntary turnover reducing by 2% in 2022/23 and management receiving over 1,000 positive comments from tenants. Resource zoning resulted in more efficient travel and more jobs completed per day, while gas servicing programmes improved through monitoring’ no access’ visits.
Repair appointments significantly boosted service efficiency, with every repair, inspection and planned work now followed by SMS/email confirmation, a reminder and a customer satisfaction survey. Live KPI dashboards tracking repairs and maintenance allowed Newydd real-time visibility into its organisation’s operations.

Combined, this resulted in the following:

96% of appointments made and kept
98% of emergencies completed on time
2% reduced voluntary turnover
97% customer satisfaction

Looking ahead

Having recognised the benefits of a 360 view of tenancy, Newydd is now expanding this approach to other business areas, such as voids, estate inspections and housing teams. Mobile working is being introduced to maintenance supervisors, surveyors, the asset department and the compliance department, with a vision to utilise a single solution for asset management and lone worker devices.

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